The Southeast ELGL chapter provided an opportunity to learn about an innovative program taking place at the University of North Carolina. LaChaun Banks and Elizabeth Basnight presented on the Entrepreneur Technical Assistance Program, relive the webinar from its recording and the live-tweets about it.
LaChaun and Elizabeth teamed up to explain all the ins and outs of this new program designed to boost economic development and add jobs in rural North Carolina. The program is free for businesses and partners an experienced MBA student with a promising business. The only requirement? The business has to want to grow and expand. The students get real world experience, the businesses get free help and resources, and the communities hopefully add jobs.
The program has helped several businesses and it’s still just in a pilot stage! Best of all they want to hear from anyone with questions, comments, or ideas on how to improve. Contact Elizabeth Basnight, the program manager at elizabeth_basnight
Download the presentation:
UNC Entrepreneur Technical Assistance Program
Watch the webinar:
#NCEcDev Economic Development in Rural North Carolina
The Takeaways
Now we turn to the Twitter-verse to see what people learned from the webinar.
#EconDev Strategies in Rural Communities: Webinar w/ @NCGrowth @kenaninstitute starts in 5 min http://t.co/qoATQYJtgl pic.twitter.com/kR0KCNFOIe
— ELGL (@ELGL50) June 26, 2014
Listening to #NCEcDev @ELGL50 this morning! #StrategicGrowth pic.twitter.com/QYXz1EwjC0
— Dan Englund (@DanEnglundMPA) June 26, 2014
Hoping that @NCGrowth @ebasnight@LaChaunBanks shares my dislike of Dook. #ELGL http://t.co/wW0UNA9MxA pic.twitter.com/GvG0FwW8Zy
— Kent Wyatt (@kwyatt23) June 26, 2014
North Carolina has the second largest amount of people in rural areas in the country #NCEcDev pic.twitter.com/GdWJvKY18d
— ELGL (@ELGL50) June 26, 2014
Lovin’ @NCGrowth webinar, innovative approach to rural #econdev. #elgl pic.twitter.com/G2N5R7qoBw
— Kent Wyatt (@kwyatt23) June 26, 2014
.@LaChaunBanks is explaining NC Growth at @kenaninstitute #NCEcDev pic.twitter.com/8X6YloVhvN
— Ben Kittelson (@benkittelson56) June 26, 2014
Don’t just attract companies to invest in your communities; attract the RIGHT companies. #NCEcDev
— Dan Englund (@DanEnglundMPA) June 26, 2014
“We learned right away that we had to go to the rural areas, the travel barrier was too steep for them to come to us.” – @ebasnight #NCEcDev
— ELGL (@ELGL50) June 26, 2014
.@kenaninstitute E-TAP “taps” into students from @kenanflagler. Great experience for both sides.
— ELGL (@ELGL50) June 26, 2014
Job creation is the ultimate goal of E-TAP @NCGrowth. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Who can be against jobs? #ELGL
— Kent Wyatt (@kwyatt23) June 26, 2014
The student perspective for ETAP @kenaninstitute #NCEcDev pic.twitter.com/WMWkpGNpMr
— ELGL (@ELGL50) June 26, 2014
@NCGrowth services are free to clients. Super cool #NCEcDev
— Rafael Baptista (@RafaelBaptista5) June 26, 2014
“Our focus truly is to do meaningful work for the companies and help them grow.” @ebasnight @kenaninstitute #NCEcDev
— Ben Kittelson (@benkittelson56) June 26, 2014
“The ultimate goal of this program is job creation so we work with any type of business doing that.” @kenaninstitute @LaChaunBanks #NCEcDev
— ELGL (@ELGL50) June 26, 2014
ETAP is all about connecting dots and helping companies take the next step #NCEcDev pic.twitter.com/UQ5t854afB
— Ben Kittelson (@benkittelson56) June 26, 2014
Listening to #EcDev webinar with @ELGL50? Please follow @kenaninstitute to hear more about ALL of our work! #NCEcDev #ELGL
— NCGrowth (@NCGrowth) June 26, 2014
Local Gov leaders can recommend good businesses to community economic development partners for successful partnerships. #NCEcDev #ELGL
— Dan Englund (@DanEnglundMPA) June 26, 2014
Thanks to #NCEcDev i now have to try some north Carolina wine
— Rafael Baptista (@RafaelBaptista5) June 26, 2014
Actually talking to people and having a conversation was the best way to build trust and make connections @ebasnight #NCEcDev
— ELGL (@ELGL50) June 26, 2014
Thanks @ELGL50 @SEELGL for a great webinar experience. Follow up w more questions, feedback, brainstorm sesh for #NCecDev @kenaninstitute
— Elizabeth Basnight (@ebasnight) June 26, 2014