Rob Dell-Ross
Engineering Design Manager, City of Roswell, GA
Favorite song from 2018:
I don’t listen to the radio very much! Just talk radio and sports.
Favorite book from 2018:
Right now I’m re-reading Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Proudest work accomplishment in 2018:
Serving as a mentor/leader for others here at the City and pushing them to improve themselves.
People who most positively impacted you in 2018:
Too many to mention, I’m very fortunate to be surrounded by great people. The top of my list is our new City Administrator. I would run head first through a wall if he told me to.
New Year’s Resolution(s) for 2019:
Don’t settle for good enough. Challenge yourself and try to be great.
Prediction(s) for 2019:
I really hope people will stop letting national politics influence so much of their mood and outlook on life.
What question(s) should we ask on the next new member questionnaire?
Favorite place to eat lunch