Rocky Mountain High: Demetrius Parker

Posted on April 29, 2019

ELGL is partnering with Cartegraph for the Rocky Mountain High-Performance Government workshop on May 3, 2019 (register today!) and we’re profiling the ten speakers so you can get to know them before their high-energy presentations on becoming a high-performance agency!

Demetrius Parker

Demetrius Parker


What’s a “high performance” government idea you’re fascinated with right now?

Trust and the power it has to influence the culture of an organization. I’ve been a leader for several decades and the biggest difference maker I’ve seen between a not so good organization and an exceptional one is the level of trust. It’s a key component to innovation and as my friend Nick Kittle would say “Sustainovation”. If we don’t innovate, we don’t grow so, we must trust.

If you could give career advice to your 22-year-old self, what would you say?

“Dream Big, Live Large, Stay Humble and Kind” This is how I govern my life today and have been for the last 20 plus years but, if had this life philosophy when I was younger, whew! I may have been the 1st black president.

What’s something that recently surprised you?

The lack of self-awareness so many suffer with in our world today, has truly surprised me. Maya Angelou stated “Once you know better, you can do better” I would love to see more people seek out what they don’t know in order to do better.

So far, what’s your proudest accomplishment in 2019?

Supporting our organization in its efforts to truly serve the residents of Jefferson County by aligning all of our organizations work along three primary lines of effort….Safety, Health and Well-being, and Stewardship.

What podcast are you currently listening to? Would you recommend it?

I’m actually still a bit old school and prefer books and with that I’m currently reading “I-engage” by Bob Keller. I strongly recommend it as a must read.

What’s your best advice for a local government that wants to adopt new innovations or high performance practices?

Stop being afraid to fail! Be curious about the way we’ve always done it and ask why.

What question should we have asked? What’s your answer?

What are you passionate about? I’m passionate about life, leadership, growth and all there is to learn to be a better human.

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