Rocky Mountain High: Don Davis

Posted on April 18, 2019

don davis

ELGL is partnering with Cartegraph for the Rocky Mountain High-Performance Government workshop on May 3, 2019 (register today!) and we’re profiling the ten speakers so you can get to know them before their high-energy presentations on becoming a high-performance agency!

Don Davis

don davis

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What’s a “high performance” government idea you’re fascinated with right now? 

Culture and how we as leaders influence it NEVER gets old.  I’m fascinated by our personal relationships and how we can move our local organizations from reactive, cooperative, transactional, compliance driven organizations with many silos who try so hard to avoid failure into proactive, collaborative, relational, performance driven organizations with fewer silos who SEEK SUCCESS!  Can I get an AMEN!

If you could give career advice to your 22-year-old self, what would you say? I’d say…

”Have a vision/leadership philosophy, write it down, post it where you can see it and remind yourself of it daily and most importantly; share it with those around you so they may hold you accountable to it!”

What’s something that recently surprised you?

An elephant filmed in Greater Kruger national park, South Africa, picking up soda cans and placing them in the trash.  Now that’s high performance government when you can motivate the animals in your parks to lend a “paw” or in this case a “trunk”

So far, what’s your proudest accomplishment in 2019? 

Leading the charge to align all of our organizations work along three primary lines of effort….Safety, Health and Well-being, and Stewardship.

What podcast are you currently listening to?

Would you recommend it? I’m actually not listening to one right now as I’m trying to reduce my time on electronics.  I’m trying my best to use my spare time to interact with the people around me and develop those relationships.  I’m reading Peter Kageyama’s book “Love Where You Live”

What’s your best advice for a local government that wants to adopt new innovations or high performance practices? 

Take shots and SEEK SUCCESS.  Do not focus on avoiding failure.

What question should we have asked? What’s your answer? 

Who is the craziest person I know?

Nick Kittle!  That guy makes up words like Sustainovation and teaches local governments how to do it.  I think I may create a word and try that…… how about Innoresiliancy?

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