To stave off a “mosh pit” or “crowdsurfing” at the sold out #ELGL13, we have created the ultimate seating chart. Fourteen tables, 9 people per table. Each table will be organized around a different theme and include a cross section of professionals.
For instance, you may be seated at the “Jane Jacobs” table with the Hillsboro city manager, Clean Water Services financial analyst, Key Bank public sector banker, Association of Washington Cities government relations staffer, PSU MPA student, Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue public affairs manager, and Waldron HR senior consultant.
You’ll find out your table assignment upon arrival as the seating chart is somewhat fluid as we add a few extra spots to accommodate the demand. But, what we can tell you and show you today, is the table themes and the “centerpieces.” Along with creating the #ELGL13 poster, Nick Lawson is responsible for creating these delicious graphics.