Shawn Bell

No. 6

2024 Top Influencers in Local Government

Shawn Bell

City Administrator | City of Fountain Inn, SC | LinkedIn

Officially, Shawn Bell is the city administrator of Fountain Inn, SC. Unofficially, he is the community’s No. 1 fan.

Shawn’s civic pride defines how he approaches public administration in the fast-growing city. He is quick to celebrate successes and shares updates with the community, either through social media or a regular newspaper column. Colleagues say he practically eats, sleeps, and breathes Fountain Inn.

As the community grows, Shawn often reiterates the need to balance a sense of place with economic development — and the important role of community members in shaping the future. 

Shawn’s enthusiasm for the city is well-regarded throughout South Carolina, and beyond Fountain Inn, he is known for the dedication, knowledge, and optimism he brings to local government. Shawn has developed a reputation for fairness, professionalism, and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

Around city hall, Shawn is also game to go along with staff members’ ideas, including a pink-splashed Barbie spin on 2023 City Hall Selfie Day. The back of his T-shirt read: “He’s just Shawn.”

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