Working in #government often means you have a long job title and no one outside of government seems to understand what that means or what you do. We’ve all seen the blank stares. Management Analyst? Public Works Administrator? Chief Information Officer? What do you even do?
Well, have no fear. This new Engaging Local Government (ELGL) writing series is an opportunity to write about what your title means, what you do on a regular basis, and the skills and knowledge you use to succeed. We also hope this fun writing series will encourage people outside of government — or new to government — that there are roles and opportunities for everyone; some roles you may not even know about!
We encourage you to submit not only an article but also use this “What People Think I Do/What I Really Do” meme to add a little humor to life in #localgov. Use this Canva template to create your own meme.
Article Prompts (choose one or a few!)
- Tell us about your path to local government
- What does an average day look like for you? What sort of tasks or projects do you work on?
- Why should people consider a career working in government?
- For people who may be up in the air about their future in local government, what advice would you give them?
- What are your thoughts on how we recruit new graduates into this field and from there how do we retain this talent?
- What can we do as a profession to help make local government more appealing to folks who aren’t in on the secret of how fun of a career path it is?
Article Submission Guidelines
- Aim for 400-1,250 words
- Submit a .png of your meme when submitting your article.
- Articles are due to Allie by the date you sign-up. You can email Allie or submit via this form.
- Please include 1-2 sentence bio with your social media handles and email address.
- ELGL strives to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion. In service of this goal, we ask that you be thoughtful of the language you use when writing about sensitive topics. Here are a few quick guides to use as a reference if you’re unsure:
- Check out our Writer’s Style Guide for more info!
Sign-up for this series!
Questions? Contact ELGL Digital Coordinator, Allie Breyer.
We look forward to seeing what you share!