Sophie McGinley
Land Use Planner, Metro Planning, Springfield, OR
So far, what’s your proudest accomplishment in 2019?
So far, my proudest accomplishment of 2019 is continuing to serve on the City of Springfield Planning Commission. I’m the youngest member and I am feeling more confident in my voice and my value every session.
Valentines Day is in February. What do you “love” about your job?
I’m a land use planner in the private sector and I love using my involvement in the public sector as a planning commissioner, nonprofit sector as a board member for a transportation advocacy group, and private sector for my job to develop a greater understanding in what decisions make cities great places to live.
(Complete the sentence) Before I die I want to…
My 20 year plan is to work with a city to develop their 20 year plan.
10 Year Challenge! What were you doing in 2009? How did it help you reach your current position?
In 2009 I was in middle school! Back then, I started to realize that I couldn’t access my community and its resources without a car. It led me to begin thinking about places that were accessible to me pre-driver’s license and, to this day, encourages me to advocate for more walkable, dense, and mixed-use communities.
(Complete the sentence) The first time I heard about ELGL was…
At a listening session at the University of Oregon. Kirsten was talking about how she wanted to see more women in local government and I was very inspired.
What question should we have asked? What’s the answer?
“What is one of your goals for 2019?” My goal is to be even more local: to choose to shop at more local small businesses, to use my library, to encourage other young people to be involved in local government, and to support local farms.