Quick Take with Lee Worsley, Durham County, Deputy County Manager

Posted on August 24, 2014

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We prepare for the ELGL & ICMA joint event at the ICMA Conference by getting to know attendees through their responses to four simple questions. Respondents will describe the current state of local government, their mentors, ways to strengthen local government, and of course, their dream six-pack.

Who is attending the ELGL & ICMA event? Raise Your Hand If You’re Going “Back to the Future” with ELGL and ICMA

Background Check

326b7acLee Worsley (Connect: LinkedIn and Twitter) began his career as a special assistant to the county manager of Durham County in 1997. He went on to become assistant to the city manager of Goldsboro, NC (1999-2002), county manager of Greene County, NC (2002-05) and assistant county manager of Catawba County, NC (2005-11). He returned to Durham County in 2011 when he was named deputy county manager.

Lee earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 1997 from Appalachian State University and a Master of Public Administration in 1999 from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 

Q & A with Lee

Lee Emily Wanda

Name your career mentors.

  • Tom Lundy, Catawba County Manager and Former ICMA President
  • David Thompson, Former Durham County Manager and current Executive Director of North Carolina Association of County Commissioners

Describe the current state of local government.

I think it is in a state of transition but remains strong as a result of outstanding local government professional management.

During her presidency, Bonnie Svrcek encouraged ICMA members to do “Just One Thing” for the organization. What’s “just one thing” local government professionals can do to strengthen local government?

Mentor young people who aspire to become local government managers

In keeping with the beer tasting theme, tell us what we’d find in your ideal six pack.

Anything local, I am a local government manager, so I have to keep sales tax in my community :).

Supplemental Reading

Lee Worsley Elected Vice President of ICMA Executive Board

Worsley named interim county manager

Creating a Successful Local Government Internship

Local Government 101 by Kaitlin Feldman

NC: Tom Lundy, Catawba County, County Manager

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