Survey Results: What Job Title Do You Aspire To?

Posted on October 20, 2015

We asked #ELGL15 registrants to name the job title that they aspire to. Of more than 220 registrants, 191 people listed a job title. Contrary to popular belief, many professionals are aspiring to become a city manager.

Job Title/Number of Responses

  • City Manager – 33
  • Business Owner/CEO – 12
  • Department Director (Specific department not listed) – 11
  • Human Resources Director – 10
  • Already Have It – 8
  • Assistant City Manager – 7
  • Project Manager – 7
  • Finance Director – 5
  • President of the United States – 5
  • Policy Analyst – 5
  • Writer – 5
  • Communications Director – 4
  • Congress – 4
  • Executive Director – 4
  • Professor – 4
  • Foreign Affairs Minister – 4
  • Active Transportation Director – 2
  • Chief Technology Officer – 2
  • Consultant – 2
  • Governor – 2
  • ICMA Regional Director – 2
  • Mayor – 2
  • Parks and Recreation Director – 2
  • Records Director – 2
  • Retired – 2


Other responses

  • Anything in SGR
  • Impactful Human Being
  • Fitness and Wellness Guru
  • Emeritus Advisor and Coach
  • Chief Creative Officer
  • Chief of Making a Difference
  • Chief of Staff
  • Chief Optimism Officer
  • Chief Sustainability Officer
  • Captain
  • Center Supervisor
  • Parks & Rec Assistant Director
  • Senior Planner
  • Senior Water Policy Analyst
  • Sr. Accountant/ Management
  • Sr. Administrative Analyst
  • Studio Director
  • Supreme Chancellor
  • University President
  • Utility Infielder
  • Voting Guru
  • VP, Creative Artists Agency (agent to the stars)
  • White House Press Secretary
  • Good Question…
  • High Quality Outcomes in Current Roles
  • I don’t aspire to job titles
  • It’s an open road!
  • Jill of all Trades
  • Job title does not necessarily matter to me
  • Mentor to the best public servants
  • Midfielder
  • Municipal Warrior
  • Not interested in a title but I want to grow in whatever career I’m in
  • Person in Charge of Other Stuff
  • Philosopher King
  • Principle Data Scientist
  • Professional Aquascaper
  • Ruler of all things
  • Servant Leadership Provocateur
  • Tall, friendly & helpful
  • Thought Leader
  • Trusted Advisor
  • Yet to be determined, as I’m looking to change my career direction!
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