Tag: Collaborative Development Collective

On Democracy: 20 Lessons from the 20th Century

Today’s Buzz is brought to you by Sarah E. O’Brien | Community Whisperer @ Collaborative Development Collective (Facebook, LinkedIn) What I am reading? On Tyranny: 20 Lessons from the 20th Century by Timothy Snyder What I am listening to on repeat? Civics 101 Podcast Episode, Founding Documents: The Constitution Favorite Quote of the Moment? “To … Continued

Top 20 Reasons To Be Inspired i̶n̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶0̶ during COVID-19

The Buzz w/ Sarah O’Brien, Community Whisperer Book I cannot put down: Daring Greatly  (Yes I am out of order) What I can’t stop playing over and over again: See Inspiring Reason #20 What I am working on: A slide deck for an upcoming presentation: Embracing Uncertainty, Action & Understanding Amidst the Chaos I can’t … Continued

20 Reasons To Be Inspired in 2020

The Buzz w/ Sarah O’Brien, Change Agent Book I can’t put down: Just Enough Anxiety, The Hidden Driver of Business Success by Robert H. Rosen Book I just can’t get into but won’t remove from the nightstand: Neighborhood,  by Emily Tallen What I can’t stop playing over and over again: The TED Interview: Yuval Noah … Continued

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