Tag: Jam of the Month

5 Tips for Building Your Own Effective and Innovative Teams

This guest blog is by ELGL member Cori Burbach, the Assistant City Manager in Dubuque, Iowa. That was one of my assigned duties after being appointed city manager of the City of Dubuque. But, what did that mean exactly? Up until that point in my government career, high performing meant things like financial accountability. Standard … Continued

Don’t Stop Improving: Nine Lessons Learned in Plano, TX

This guest blog is by ELGL member Abby Owens, a Public Works Compliance Specialist in Plano, TX. Connect with Abby! I joined the City of Plano Public Works Department in late 2017 with a priority project: implement new software that combined asset management and work orders. Oh, and train 200 users, deploy 100 iPads, and … Continued

Improving Processes? Don’t Forget to Ask This Question

This guest blog is by ELGL member Daniel Johns the GIS manager for the Clay County Utility Authority in Florida. Connect with Daniel! Is building more efficient processes challenging for your organization? If so, you’re not alone. Changing behavior to drive efficiency is one of the most challenging things a team faces. But, it doesn’t … Continued

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