Tag: scooters

Podcast: Micromobility and Urban Transportation with Kyle Rowe, Spin Inc.

Kyle Rowe Global Head of Partnerships Spin, Inc. LinkedIn | Twitter Freedom to move. Kyle Rowe, Global Head of Partnerships for Spin, joined the podcast to talk about the role of micromobility in transportation. He discussed how micromobility helps people travel the last mile to their destination and how Spin, Inc. works with local governments … Continued

Podcast: Right-of-Way Management – Cell Towers, Scooters & Free Speech

Panelists: Alan Weinstein, Cleveland State University (Bio) Alicia Giudice, San Rafael, CA (LinkedIn) Brandon Bordenkircher, Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development (Twitter) Daniel J. Bolin, Ancel Glink (LinkedIn) Gail A. Karish, Best Best & Krieger LLP (LinkedIn) Isidro A. Jimenez, San Francisco, CA (LinkedIn) Trends in planning. GovLove was recently at the National Planning Conference for … Continued

Regulating Raccoons (And Other Things Too)

Today’s Morning Buzz is by brand new Morning Buzzer Brent Stockwell – connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter!!! What I’m Listening To: Just Don’t Know It Yet – Moti [feat. BullySongs] What I’m Reading: Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness What I’m Watching: Our five-month-old goldendoodle puppy pull the stuffing out of her bed Pawnee, Indiana … Continued

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