Tell Us Your [Virtual Open House] Story

Posted on November 18, 2015

Welcome to a periodic feature, exclusively offered for our members. “Tell Us Your Story” is your chance to get feedback from ELGL members about a specific topic or policy. Today, we’re tackling virtual open houses and town halls.

Here’s the email from an ELGL member:
“Virtual open houses or town halls seem to be all the rage these days – especially for public works projects. But I’ve never seen one or used one that has really made me feel engaged and I’m worried that we’re doing a disservice by offering this service, thinking that just because we put together a stand-alone web site, we’re fulfilling a citizen engagement obligation. What are some characteristics of virtual open houses or town halls that are important and meaningful? What companies are actually producing effective online tools? I would love to hear from cities that are actually using online engagement town halls or open houses effectively, instead of just one-off web pages that more or less check the box for “online engagement” as it relates to public projects.”

Tell us what you think, using the comments below, or send an email to with “Virtual Open House Suggestions” in the subject line.  
Have your own “Tell Us Your Story” you want to pose to ELGL?  We’re happy to collect information for you with the caveat that you’ll compile and share what you’ve learned back with ELGL when your research is complete.  Email Kirsten with your “Tell Us Your Story” request.
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