Texas A&M University #ELGLInspire Speaker: Jason Moore

Posted on November 11, 2019

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#ELGLInspire is coming to Texas A&M University on November 13th! Learn more about our event speakers in these brief profiles, and connect with them before and after the event! To find information about all of the speakers, visit the #ELGLInspire homepage.

Jason Moore

Economic Development Director, City of Lewisville

What was the very first paying job you held (that you paid taxes on)?

My first real job was as a cashier at Albertsons.

What was your: undergraduate institution? Graduate institution? What was/were your degree(s) in?

  • Texas A&M University, B.S. in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Sciences
  • University of North Texas, Master of Public Administration  

What class(es) (if any) are applicable to your job today?  

Any classes related to Finance, Marketing, and Psychology

What book are you currently reading? Would you recommend it?

I am currently reading the Power of Moments. I enjoy it because it has created ideas for me to use in my everyday work.

What’s the best networking advice for job seekers you’ve heard or shared? 

Ask someone higher up in an organization, within the field you are interested in, to be your mentor. Meet for lunch or coffee once or twice per month. Often times when they are aware of openings, they will recommend you.

What’s the fastest way to NOT get a job or internship with you? (e.g. what should potential applicants avoid doing if they were to ever interview with you for a position).

Don’t say you can’t come up with an example of a time you made a mistake. We just want to hear that you can hold yourself accountable, take responsibility, and then learn from mistakes so that you can grow.

Why should an undergraduate student consider a career working in local government?

Local government is where the rubber meets the road. You have more opportunities to impact people’s everyday lives working for a municipality or county. Whether it is public safety, infrastructure maintenance, engineering, development, parks and recreation, library services, or administration; each area offers meaningful and impactful careers and they happen to pay well too.

Do you have a work or life motto? What is it? 

Constantly seek perfection in all you do, knowing you will never be perfect, but it is in that pursuit that you will find excellence (Vince Lombardi).

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