The Best Ever with Hannah Lebovits, Policy Matters Ohio

Posted on May 24, 2017

We hope you can deal with change because we’re changing up new member introductions. ELGL has grown tired of everyone and everything being proclaimed as “the best ever.” From now on, we’ll only believe it if our members dub it so.

Hold onto your keyboard and mouse. Our new members are here to inform you about the best things ever created on the face of the universe.

Hannah Lebovits

Cleveland State University, PhD Student

Policy Matters Ohio

Connect: LinkedIn and Twitter

What is the best ever…

Summer vacation spot?

Los Angeles/Southern California, I really enjoy leaving the Midwest for a few days of incredible sunshine, beautiful parks and beaches and fabulous sight seeing.


William Henry Harrison, he taught the us that public value is not only found in goods and services but in the questions and dilemmas our public servants force us to confront.

Positive trait that you got from your parents?

Ambition, settling for mediocrity is just not an option.

Internet sensation?

Memes, they’ve completely changed the way we interpret and utilize cultural phenomena.

Career advice? 

“Experience is what you get when you dont get what you wanted.”


The pen, I’m a Millennial but I still write all of my notes and rough drafts by hand.

Best Ever

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