The Best Ever with Karleen Harp, Rainbow Municipal Water District

Posted on March 14, 2017

We hope you can deal with change because we’re changing up new member introductions. ELGL has grown tired of everyone and everything being proclaimed as “the best ever.” From now on, we’ll only believe it if our members dub it so.

Hold onto your keyboard and mouse. Our new members are here to inform you about the best things ever created on the face of the universe.

Karleen Harp

Rainbow Municipal Water District – Human Resources Manager

Connect: LinkedInTwitter, World Wide Web

What is the best ever…

Internet sensation?

Ice Bucket Challenge. Fun, viral fundraising that raised $155 million for ALS – nearly 5 times their previous year’s revenue. Pure genius. Plus, you got to watch your friends be fools on video.

Television show?

The entire Star Trek franchise, but Voyager was my favorite. I loved the story arc where Captain Janeway helped Seven of Nine regain her humanity.


Mumford & Sons. Rock + Banjos, what’s not to love?


The Spiralizer. You can serve veggies like pasta!


Abraham Lincoln. Read Team of Rivals.

City department?

Water Department. Water sustains life, and no community can exist without it. Most people have no idea what kinds of sacrifices these employees make so they can flush the toilet.


The one that’s right for you. I’m a fan of Mike Rowe’s philosophy that any job can be great if you make it great.


Eman. It’s name spelled backwards. A friend from college named her daughter that.

Gift idea?

Quality time together making memories.


To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s a great reminder that people are not always what they seem and corruption is often disguised as justice.

Life Accomplishment?



Best Ever

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