The Best Ever with Kristie Weaver, City of Hurst, TX

Posted on February 25, 2017

We hope you can deal with change because we’re changing up new member introductions. ELGL has grown tired of everyone and everything being proclaimed as “the best ever.” From now on, we’ll only believe it if our members dub it so.

Hold onto your keyboard and mouse. Our new members are here to inform you about the best things ever created on the face of the universe.

Kristie Weaver

City of Hurst, TX – Parks Director

Connect: LinkedIn

What is the best ever…

Internet Sensation: Chuck Norris “facts.”

TV Show: MASH! A group of diverse people (who don’t really like each other) pulling together in times of need.

Creation: Coffee!!! I can’t function without it.

Job: A job where it’s fun to go to work, people truly enjoy what they do and inspire others to do the same.

Gift Idea: Tickets to Hamilton! I hear it’s coming to the Dallas area. Anyone?

New Year’s Resolution: To quit making them. Why would I only aim to do something on January 1st? Goals are year round!

Book: Hard one to answer because I love to read. Sending me to my room for punishment wasn’t punishment because I had my books. When my parents began to ground me from reading…that was punishment. When I was younger, I read all the books in the Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, and Hardy Boys series. As an adult, I read mainly fiction, but non-fiction is catching on with me. My current read is the “The Book of Joy” by His Holiness Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmod Tutu, and Douglas Abrams.

Life Accomplishment: Becoming a mom. I was never passionate about having kids, until a doctor told me I had “unexplained infertility.” Um, no. Don’t tell me I CAN’T do something. Three years ago, we were blessed with our son and life hasn’t been the same.

Best Ever

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