The Best Ever with Rachel Keyser, ViewPoint Cloud

Posted on February 7, 2017

We hope you can deal with change because we’re changing up new member introductions. ELGL has grown tired of everyone and everything being proclaimed as “the best ever.” From now on, we’ll only believe it if our members dub it so.

Hold onto your keyboard and mouse. Our new members are here to inform you about the best things ever created on the face of the universe.

Rachel Keyser

Digital Marketing Analyst at ViewPoint Cloud

Connect: LinkedIn

My Best Ever…..

Life Accomplishment? 

Continuous effort to be a positive energy force in the world

Television show?



Movie or food critic

New Year’s resolution?

Daily meditation

Internet sensation?



The Great Work of Your Life, Stephen Cope


Anything handmade


Printing press

Supplemental Reading

Best Ever

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