The Debrief with ELGL Central Oregon

Posted on August 15, 2012

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A big thank you to Bend Police Chief Jeff Sale and Lieutenant Chris Carney for presenting to our group today.  We had about 20 people attend to hear how government can no longer afford to operate as it has in the past. The Bend Police Department is implementing changes to respond to today’s environment.  We were all able to take away important lessons in change management.

The presentation concluded with a sneak peek at the new Barbecue Car.  This is a surplus patrol car converted to a BBQ on wheels.  The car will make appearances at community events to raise money for the K-9 program and provide an opportunity to raise awareness of public safety programs.

Upcoming Forums

Leadership Trust Bank building
September 11, noon – 1 p.m., Bend Municipal Court

Captain Cory Darling and Lieutenant Chris Carney from the Bend Police Department will discuss how managers and supervisors tend to lose the respect of those they are supposed to lead by the little things they do or do not do.  The Leadership Trust Bank will give an overview of the things successful leaders do to increase their credibility and things that are done by other managers and supervisors that create distrust and cause loss of credibility. Coordinated by Lieutenant Chris Carney and Captain Cory Darling.

Fraud Tips for Local Government Leaders
October 17, 2012, noon – 1 p.m., location tbd

Jamie Kendellen, CPA, CFE  is on board for a Fraud Tips for Local Government leaders brown bag presentation in October. Coordinated by Summer Sears.


Communicating with the Private Sector – Details coming soon!

Doug King, CEO of Epic Aircraft will address communication between the public and private sectors. We’ll have up-front and frank discussion of just what is being done right and wrong on a local level that either helps or hurts efforts to create and sustain a viable business. Coordinated by Gary Judd.

To be scheduled:

  • Social Media (Gretchen Hawkins)
  • Media Relations (Eric King)
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