Rhyan Van Horn
TriMet, Senior Accountant of Treasury and Cash Management
Student, University of Washington Evans School
What book is on your nightstand?
“War & Peace”, Tolstoy. It’s been there for over two years. But I only have about 100 pages out of the 1,500 left.
If you were to run for elected office, which position would seek?
If I were to run, it would probably be for County Treasurer or something along those lines.
Your best piece of career advice:
- Communication is important.
- Keep exploring your motivations and always put yourself in someone else’s shoes to better understand theirs.
Biggest issue facing local governments?
The retirement of baby boomers (both from a staffing and financial liability perspective)
If you were a baseball player, what would be your theme music while you were on-deck?
Just so we’re clear, I’ll never play baseball. But in this imaginary game, I’d choose “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen so the crowd could lip sing with me. If you haven’t tried this at home, you’re missing out.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEsPhTbJhuo&w=560&h=315]
What are three things people will say about you at your retirement party?
- She sure was persistent.
- Do you know she still has a five year plan? Classic.
- Can we please stop eating gluten free food at our office potlucks now?
If I turned on your iPod right now, what would be playing?
“Some Nights” by F.U.N. I’m obsessed.
Name two of your mentors:
- My current boss, Lori Baker
- CFO Beth deHamel
(Fill in the blank) Government is ……..
tired of finding efficiencies but in need of more.
(Fill in the blank) ELGL is…….
motivating government employees.
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