Three Bright Spots

Posted on March 30, 2020

Today’s Buzz is brought to you by Danielle Rogers, Community Marketing Manager for the City of Newton, Iowa. You can connect with her on Twitter and LinkedIn.

What I am Reading: Untamed by Glennon Doyle

What I am Listening to: My Mishmash Medley playlist on Apple Music 

What I am Watching: Call the Midwife on Netflix

I’m going to be brutally honest. My Morning Buzz snuck up on me. And as I type this, I still don’t know what this post is going to be about. For the past 15 days, I have been in crisis communications mode for my full-time job at the City of Newton. But on top of that, I’m also serving as PIO for our County-wide Emergency Management Agency’s EOC. I’ve found myself under two scoops of crisis communications. I spend my morning in my very-empty office building (we’re closed to the public, but some of us are still working in the office). And the other part of the day is spent in the EOC with our public health department, EMA director and coordinator, the County’s Sheriff, and the Chief Deputy. 

It’s been a whirlwind of news releases, communication, and planning – but to be honest, I don’t think there’s anywhere else I’d rather be at the moment. In a situation where I can’t control much, my talents and skills are being put to use in a very vital way – communicating with the residents of my city and county. Being able to provide accurate, relevant, and essential information to everyone gives me a sense of purpose.

And in reflection, I feel that I have found three bright spots that have changed me as a human in this ever-changing situation we all find ourselves in.

  1. Laughing can genuinely be the best medicine. I’m not making light of the current situation we are in nor of the thousands of hours that we are putting into our jobs right now. But, if you don’t take a minute to smile or laugh, you’re going to be buried by the weight of it all. I can sometimes take myself to seriously. But I’ve learned I can’t survive that way. While trying to think of ANOTHER way to tell people to stay home if they are sick, a Monty Python-like quote came to the front of our minds. It was along the lines of “isolate thyself in thy chambers for a fortnight.” And I laughed. Hard. And smiled. Then got back to writing and creating the critical content that I needed to
  2. I can do hard things. As I mentioned at the top of my post, I’m reading Glennon Doyle’s new book. Partially because her voice is the one who tells me daily that “we can do hard things.” And this moment in time has shown me that I really can do hard things. We’re all in situations we’ve never been in before, making decisions we never thought we would have to make. But these hard decisions are making us a stronger community. And keeping our communities safe. 
  3. Human connection is vital to my existence. As an introvert, some people have commented to me that I should be enjoying this isolation and distancing. But that is so far from the truth. I crave meaningful human connections on a level that I didn’t understand until now. I’ve connected with those important to me more because I need them. Being part of the EOC has allowed me to connect with a whole new group of people. And I’m better for it.

So my challenge to you, find three bright spots during these weeks of chaos. Whether in your personal or professional life (mine are a bit of both). And use those bright spots to continue moving forward and remember them when we get to our new normal. Because they’ll make you a better person. 

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