Toney Thompson
Fellow, City/County of Durham, NC
Diversity Dashboard: Toney Thompson, UNC MPA Project Team – ELGL
Carolina MPA Alumna and Students Connect to Bring Research
Favorite Song of 2018:
This Is America by Childish Gambino
Favorite Book of 2018:
The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
Proudest Work Accomplishment:
Officially started my career in local government as an ICMA Fellow.
People who most positively impacted you:
My New Years resolution:
To read and understand more about America’s structures of racism and white supremacy, and what racial equity policies that governments can implement to dismantle those structures.
My predictions for 2019:
- Disney will have the most successful year in terms of movie revenues of all time.
- The term “Super Blood Lone Wolf Moon” will be a thing.
- Liam Neeson will save a group of cruise passengers while being stuck in an interrogation room the entire time.
- Millennials will bring down Big Cereal, leading to a “save the children” like commercial with all of our favorite cereal mascots asking us to return to the decent breakfast values we’ve lost.
- Duke will beat UNC every time in basketball and win the championship leading to Kent Wyatt being in a multi-week depression/stupor.
What questions should we ask new members:
Is a hotdog/burrito a sandwich?