UT Austin #ELGLInspire Speaker: Eric Cortez

Posted on October 1, 2019


#ELGLInspire is coming to UT Austin on October 2, 2019!  Learn more about our event speakers in these brief profiles, and connect with them before and after the event!

Eric Cortez


Officer, Austin Police Department


What was the very first paying job you held (that you paid taxes on)? 

My first job was when I was 16 years old.  I worked as a groundskeeper at a bed and breakfast in Napa, CA.  Through that same job, I also help build an addition to the Robert Mondavi winery.

What was your: undergraduate institution? Graduate institution? What was/were your degree(s) in? 

Colorado State and Texas State University studying Computer Science

What class(es) (if any) are applicable to your job today? 

Any Criminal Justice class would be applicable to police work.

What book are you currently reading? Would you recommend it? 

I just finished reading A Clash of Kings from the GoT series and just started A Storm of Swords.

What’s the best networking advice for job seekers you’ve heard or shared? 

In terms of networking, I believe everyone has at least one thing in common.  Find that thing and use it to get your foot in the door.

What’s the fastest way to NOT get a job or internship with you? (e.g. what should potential applicants avoid doing if they were to ever interview with you for a position). 

The quickest way to get disqualified from our hiring process is to get caught lying, omitting, or minimizing any information we are requesting from you.  Next to that would be unprofessionalism with our recruiting staff.

Why should an undergraduate student consider a career working in local government?

If you plan on having a career in local government, I would advise staying off social media, or at least remaining incredibly neutral.

Do you have a work or life motto? What is it? 

I strive to live a life that would impress my younger self.

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