UT Austin #ELGLInspire Speaker: Samantha Armbruster

Posted on September 30, 2019


#ELGLInspire is coming to UT Austin on October 2, 2019!  Learn more about our event speakers in these brief profiles, and connect with them on social media before and after the event!

Samantha Armbruster

Neighborhood Engagement Manager, City of San Marcos

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What was the very first paying job you held (that you paid taxes on)? 

Roller skating carhop at Sonic. 

What was your: undergraduate institution? Graduate institution? What was/were your degree(s) in? 

Business Administration, Management Info Systems at University of West Florida

What class(es) (if any) are applicable to your job today? 

Can’t remember but definitely my Database Management

What book are you currently reading? Would you recommend it? 

Lives Other Than My Own by Emmanuel Carrere. SO good but intense.

What’s the best networking advice for job seekers you’ve heard or shared? 

Find your dream job, Find someone who has it and talk to them.

What’s the fastest way to NOT get a job or internship with you? (e.g. what should potential applicants avoid doing if they were to ever interview with you for a position). 

If you are walking alongside me and see trash on the ground, pick it up. I may have planted it there and am waiting to see what you do. If you don’t pick it up, I will and you won’t pick up a job.

Why should an undergraduate student consider a career working in local government?

Because you want the world to be a better place and know that it starts with your own yard aka your community.

Do you have a work or life motto? What is it? 

The workplace doesn’t come with a fairy and a wand making sure it’s a great place to work – that’s MY job. That’s everyone’s job (Disco ball in my office helps too).

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