WCMA Workshop: Collaborative Leadership

Posted on January 22, 2019


This year, the Washington City/County Manager’s Association (WCMA) has identified providing half day training workshops in different locations as a strategic priority for the organization.

WCMA is pleased to kick-off this effort with a leadership workshop led by Jennifer Phillips, City Manager of Bothell, who has delivered a similar curriculum to California managers with excellent results. Please help spread the word to colleagues who would benefit from this training opportunity.

 Collaborative Leadership

Leadership skills are essential to successfully navigate and survive the demands of the fast-paced, resourced constrained, and conflict intensive work environment known as local government. But to actually thrive during these challenging times, it’s about collaborative leadership.

 This interactive half-day workshop will provide you with collaborative leadership skills to work together to problem solve, make decisions, and prosper & grow in our rapidly changing and demanding work environments. Participants will learn what can derail leaders and which key leadership traits & characteristics are essential to keeping a leader on-track to success.

  • Where: Bothell City Hall, 18415 101st Ave NE, Bothell, WA 98011
  • Date:     January 25, 2019
  • Time:    8:30am-12:30pm
  • Cost:     $35 *Special $25 rate for ELGL members!*
  • Use the discount code “ELGLmember” at checkout to get the reduced rate!

Registration is now open!

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