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September 18, 2019
10:00 a.m. PT/1:00 ET
Trust in government (and indeed in all institutions) is at an all time low, indifference toward local government is at an all time high, and the challenges facing communities are more complex than ever. In this context, finding authentic, inclusive and effective ways to engage residents isn’t an optional add-on. It’s a necessary part of doing business. This webinar will look at the different strategic approaches three communities are taking to build public engagement into their business as usual.
- Ashley Labosier, Davenport Institute for Public Engagement and Civic Leadership
- Michelle D’Anna, Community Relations Officer, City of Camarillo;
- Maureen Tobin, Communications and Engagement Director, City of Morgan Hill;
- Yvette Sennewald, Neighborhood Engagement Division Manager, City of Riverside