What Am I with Shannon David, City of Syracuse, NY

Posted on June 3, 2015

Link: ELGL Spreads Across the Country

 “Cross between The Atlantic magazine and Buzzfeed” 

Welcome to our new member feature. We’ve all heard the excuse “I’m too busy” too many times so we’ve simplified our new member feature to illicit short, meaningful responses. 

We also tackle tough issues such as why the Apple Watch is necessary. As a side note, ELGL is adamantly opposed to the excuse, “I’m too busy.”

0c9c368Shannon David (LinkedIn and Twitter) is a management analyst with the City of Syracuse’s Office of Management and Budget. He graduated with a Master’s of Public Administration from Binghamton University in May of 2011, with coursework in public management, public finance, statistical analysis, and organizational behavior.

What I Am Afraid Of: The older I get the more I think we should all be afraid of the forces of cynicism that crowd out the passion and new ideas that lead to change.
What I Am Watching:

Daredevil and Season 2 of the Walking Dead.

What I Am Reading: “Detroit: An American Autopsy”, by Charlie LeDuff.
What I Am Thinking About the Apple Watch:

A perfect example of how technology does not always equal advancement.

What I Want From ELGL: An opportunity to learn from others in the field of local government. To share best practices. To share the passion for local government.
What I Wish Local Government Did Better: There is a lot that we have to improve on in local government unfortunately. Organizationally, we need to do a better job of embracing change and new ideas. We need to build learning organizations from top to bottom that continuously seek better outcomes for the public. We need to make a better case for local government as a career to attract the best and brightest. Perhaps most important is that we need to build public trust and confidence in local government and the democratic process by demonstrating results and encouraging engagement. We should all be concerned, elected officials and professionals, about trends in attitudes towards government at all levels.
What I Wish I Was Doing (Instead of Completing This Questionnaire): 

Going for a run, eating ice cream, or possibly, both.

What I Consider As My Career Accomplishments: I’m the first in my family to attend college, so I’m extremely proud of my MPA from Binghamton University. Also, I get to do meaningful, challenging work every day. I’m in a position to serve my community every day. My career is still young, but I’m proud of all of these things.
What I Am Listening To:

Mostly Jack White Radio on Pandora, chock-full of White Stripes, Black Keys and others.

What I Wish People Knew About Me: That my name is Shannon David, not David Shannon.
What I Am Wishing Would Go Away:

Reality television. Chronic Complainers. Carpenter Bees. Black Licorice.

What I Think of Professional Associations: Essential to what we do. A way of building a professional community so that we can all get better.
What I Am Doing This Summer: Running a few half marathons, spending some much needed vacation time with my wife and hopefully reading–a lot.
What I Wished You Asked Me: What do you think government does well?

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