Link: ELGL Spreads Across the Country
“Cross between The Atlantic magazine and Buzzfeed”
Welcome to our new member feature. We’ve all heard the excuse “I’m too busy” too many times so we’ve simplified our new member feature to illicit short, meaningful responses.
Laura Fitzpatrick (LinkedIn) is an assistant city manager with the City of Hampton, VA. Laura works with several departments, including Libraries, Recreation, 311 Customer Call Center, Human Resources, Information Technology, Finance, and Fleet. Previously, she has worked Rio Rancho, NM, Manassas Park, VA, and Troy, MI.
What I Wish Local Government Did Better: Change rules or break rules to get results.
What I Am Afraid of: Being at the end of life and not having reached my potential.
What I Am Watching:
House of Cards
What I Am Motivated By: Working with leaders who get results regularly and inspire others as they do it.
What I Consider As My Career Accomplishments: The professionals I have hired and promoted.
What I Want From ELGL: To network with others; learn from others.
What I Am Reading:
Real Happiness at Work by Marilyn Salzberg
What I Am Thinking About the Apple Watch: Are we too tech connected?
What I Wish I Was Doing (Instead of Completing This Questionnaire): Decompressing at home after work day.
What I Am Listening To: Vance Joy
What Song/Movie Makes Me Cry:
What I Wish People Knew About Me: I love meeting new people even if my introverted side makes me seem shy at first.
What I Am Wishing Would Go Away:

Summer humidity of southeast Virginia!
What I Think of Professional Associations: Good resources.
What I Am Doing This Summer: Working and visiting friends and family in MD, NJ, and NH.
What I Wished You Asked Me: What is your local government leadership philosophy?