What I Am with Meredith Thompson, City of Roanoke, VA

Posted on May 8, 2015

Link: ELGL Spreads Across the Country

“Cross between The Atlantic magazine and Buzzfeed” 

Welcome to our new member feature. We’ve all heard the excuse “I’m too busy” so we’ve simplified our feature to illicit short, meaningful responses for our new members. As a side note, ELGL is adamantly opposed to the excuse, “I’m too busy.”
244446bMeredith Thompson (LinkedIn) is an HR Recruiter for the City of Roanoke, VA. She has extensive knowledge of operations of public and non-profit organizations and is particularly interested in areas of community and economic development. Meredith has an MPA from James Madison University. 
What I Wish Local Government Did Better:
Allow employees to become more involved in the community. We spend 40+ hours a week at desks serving our citizens but rarely see the amazing things our work has supported.
What I Am Reading:
I’ve picked up Change the Culture, Change the Game at least 6 times in the past year. 
What I Want From ELGL:
An opportunity to network and learn more about best practices and innovations from other emerging leaders.
What I Am Afraid of:
Missing an opportunity to learn more or gain experience.
What I Wish I Was Doing (Instead of Completing This Questionnaire):
Being outside in the sun… with my dogs!
What I Consider As My Career Accomplishments:
Completed an MPA while working full-time and serving in an AmeriCorps program.
What I Am Listening To:

Florence and the Machine and Alabama Shakes Pandora stations
What I Think of Professional Associations:
Can be great if you know how to use the resources to your advantage.
What I Wish People Knew About Me:dc360ca10450d937c41dcc725f2a7524
I am not a morning person. 
What I Wish Would Go Away:
Pollution, Social Inequality, Homelessess, Hunger… I could go on!
What I Wished You Asked Me:
Do you have pets? My response would have been “YES!! Three dogs and a weirdo cat!”

What I Am – Archives


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