[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpBhrjfetkk&w=420&h=315]
July 11 – ELGL Social Hour at OCCMA Conference – Learn more about ELGL and how our membership is redefining the future of local government in Oregon!
July 12 – RSVP for ELGL Forum with Former Governor Barbara Roberts – Please join us on Thursday, July 12, for an ELGL brown-bag session with former Oregon Governor and current Metro Councilor Barbara Roberts.
July 19 – RSVP: ELGL Happy New (Fiscal) Year Social – Celebrate the start of FY 2013 and the recipient of the “Knope of the Year” award.
August 1 – Luncheon: Sean Robbins – CEO, Greater Portland Inc. ELGL is excited to announce the speaker for our August meeting. Sean Robbins, CEO of Greater Portland Inc., will be joining us on August 1, 2012.
August 8 – Event Announcement: Bob Moore, Bob’s Red Mill – Please join ELGL on Wednesday, August 8 for a conversation with Bob Moore, founder of Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods. The event will be held at Bob’s Red Mill in Milwaukie.
Please RSVP to oregonelgl@gmail.com.