As part of the grueling ELGL initiation process, new members are asked to complete our version of the Wonderlic test. It’s an open book test and participants do not have to use a dull number 2 pencil to fill in tiny circles.
Mike Musser (LinkedIn) is Deputy Director of Parks & Recreation for the City of Gahanna, OH. He is responsible for the operation and direction of 750 acres of parkland, 2 aquatic facilities, 9 hole golf course, Ohio Herb Education Center, Senior Center, recreation programming, athletic complexes, trails, and serves on various boards and committees throughout the community.
I feel….excited. Our community and our department is currently going through many changes. Change is good, people.
I joined ELGL because…..I want to continue to grow as a professional in order to help my community move forward. ELGL seems like a great mix of professionals willing to share ideas.
The last book that I read was…Harry Potter. My daughter and I read it out loud to one another, alternating pages, for a school project.
My memorable experience in government is…
starting an egg hunt early because it was raining. If I ever write a book about my life as a Parks & Recreation professional, it will be titled, Never, Ever Start an Egg Hunt Early.
You should probably know that I….am a little odd, which is a good thing.
If I was in a talent show….. I would perform very poorly.
My life will be complete if….. my children grow up to be positive, influential members of society.
Do you agree/disagree with the following statement(s)……Explain….
Local government is effective at communicating with the public.
It can be, but not always is. No matter how hard we try, we cannot always reach everyone, especially when they are not looking for it.
Generational stereotypes are helpful.
I am not sure there is a situation where a stereotype is helpful. People are all individuals and should not be labeled based on age, race, sex, or any other identifier.
City staff should be required to live in the city in which they work.
No. We need to create an environment that wants employees to be engaged in the community because of our work, our product.
Local governments should have an employee dress code.
Yes, but it needs to be guideline based and not overly strict. People need to be able to be themselves and appearance is one way that we all have to express ourselves. Staff shirts with our community logos are a good thing.
My peer group views local government as a desirable profession.
Most of my peer group is in local government, so yes. Do it because you love it, not because you want to get rich.
I plan on spending the rest of my career in local government.
I am 20 years into my career, so yes, I am a lifer. I love my profession, so it is really easy to go to work every day.