As part of the grueling ELGL initiation process, new members are asked to complete our version of the Wonderlic test. It’s an open book test and participants do not have to use a dull number 2 pencil to fill in tiny circles.
Rachel Kelly (LinkedIn and Twitter) is the Director of Public Affairs for the City of Burlington, NC. She has an MPA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Complete the following sentences.
In the last 60 days, my best accomplishment was…
Being recognized by North Carolina City-County Communicators (NC3C) for our City’s website redesign! #success
I joined ELGL because…..
Our new City Manager (Hardin Watkins) is always telling me about new ways to connect to within the profession of city management.
One thing I remember from elementary is…
Reading = Pizza. Pizza Hut had a “book it” program which meant the more I read, the more my family would take me to get (free) pizza! Yum!
On my way to work, I am thinking…
What I need to tackle at the office. My “to do” list almost never goes as planned, but in the field of Public Information, you have to adapt.
You should probably know that I….
am obsessed with horses.
Do you agree/disagree with the following statement(s)……Explain….
The public should not have to pay for public record requests.
Records should be made available at no charge in digital format or for the public to study and review. However, when copies and digital media are involved, enough should be charged only to break even for the supplies used.
A Guns N’ Roses reunion tour is a good idea.
Agree. However, I’m also demanding a Spice Girls reunion tour.
My neighbor understands services provided by local government.
Despite my daily efforts, most people don’t understand the services provided by local government until they have a problem with them.
Formal coaching/mentoring programs are worthwhile.
Learning cannot stop in college and mentorship shouldn’t stop with your last internship. Everyone needs guidance at all stages of his/her career.
I have a landline telephone.
Sad Fact: I don’t even know my husband’s phone number. Yay cell phones!