As part of the grueling ELGL initiation process, new members are asked to complete the our version of the Wonderlic test. It’s an open book test and participants aren’t faced with the challenge of using a dull number 2 pencil to fill in tiny circles.
Shelby Teufel (LinkedIn), Assistant City Administrator/Finance Director in Pleasant Hill, was chosen as the 2015 Richard R. Noll Outstanding Assistant Award by the Missouri City/County Management Association. She is a graduate of the University of Kansas MPA program.
Complete the following sentences.
I feel….inspired to best serve my community.
I joined ELGL because…..the organization came highly recommended by existing members and I enjoyed the dialogue at the Midwest Public Risk Conference in September.
If I was in a talent show I would perform….
…alongside the Pleasant Hill municipal band. We’re still working on the right blend of songs to incorporate a flute into their primarily country music genre.
My life will be complete if….I make a difference in the lives of those around me.
You should probably know that I….have the cutest twin boys ever.
Do you agree/disagree with the following statement(s)……Explain….
My peer group views local government as a desirable profession.
Those who know and understand what I do definitely view it as a desirable profession.
I plan on spending the rest of my career in local government.
Of course! I can’t imagine doing anything else.
Potlucks are a good idea.
I’m a picky eater. Potlucks are never good in my world.
City staff should be required to live in the city in which they work.
This is a complex question which can best be answered on an individual basis. There are instances in which residency requirements are desirable, especially in areas of high unemployment and/or communities of declining population. That being said, I believe an individual’s dedication to and performance for an organization/community are more important than residency. Residency requirements have the ability to restrict a community’s applicant pool and potentially eliminate the best fit for your community.
Local governments should have an employee dress code.
I believe the dress code in each municipality should be tailored to the community they serve. I allow my staff to wear casual clothes every day. A relaxed dress code allows our City staff to appear more approachable.