Dear Friends:
On behalf of the residents of the City of Portland, welcome!
The Rose City is honored and delighted to welcome participants to the 50th IMCL Conference—Reshaping Suburbia into Healthy Communities, June 23-27, 2013.
At this conference, you will have the opportunity to work with some of the leading urban designers, planners and public officials from North America and Europe, who will share their vision and experience on how to shape healthy suburban communities. Additionally, we in Portland are excited about this opportunity to share ideas that have proved successful in this city, and to learn from you about how we can improve the beauty, health and livability of our own suburban neighborhoods.
In Portland, we have worked to prevent sprawl and to help our suburbs develop into walkable, 10-minute communities. We have created a network of streetcars, buses and light rail, and focused compact, mixed-use development on transit nodes at the heart of each neighborhood. Our urban boundary and regional planning through the Metro Regional have helped us to reach these goals. There will be opportunities for you to tour some of these neighborhoods.
For those of you visiting from out of town, we hope you enjoy the Rose City’s numerous attractions. Whether you visit our Waterfront Park or enjoy shopping downtown, dine at one of hundreds of restaurants in our Pearl District or just take in the views of Mt. Hood from Portland’s Rose Garden, we are sure you will find your visit an unforgettable and enjoyable experience.
Again, on the behalf of the beautiful City of Portland, Oregon – welcome and best wishes for a successful conference.
Charlie Hales