We’re counting down the hits from 2014…..
#10: SeeClickFix Names ELGL as a Civic Space Leader,
#9: ELGL expanding to Washington State,
#8: Foreignness of Local Government,
#7 Two Cities. Two Mayors. One Cause
#4: Faces of the Future – American City County Magazine
2014 will forever be remembered as the year that ELGL landed its first centerfold. In the June issue of American City County magazine, nine ELGL members were profiled in the “Faces of the Future” article. The best part is no one had to take off their shirt or socks. The worst part is no mansion party followed the article’s release.
American City County Magazine – June and Faces of the Future
Uncut: ELGL Members Discuss the Past, Present, and Future
What’s Ahead for 2015
- Hopefully more centerfold appearances
- Ben Kittelson, Kent Wyatt, and Kirsten Wyatt will appear on the GovLove (SeeClickFix offshoot) beginning in January.