
Trending Now: MPA@UNC Announces Fellowship for ELGL Members

MPA@UNC Announces ELGL Fellowship Connect: Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Web, YouTube ELGL members are now eligible to receive a $5,000 fellowship to earn your Masters in Public Administration online from the University of North Carolina School of Government. Applications and enrollment happen on a rolling basis and you can find out more below or by going … Continued

Bo Ferguson, City of Durham, North Carolina

As a part of our ongoing series interviewing Assistant City (and County) Managers, ELGL sat down with Bo Ferguson from the City of Durham, North Carolina. He gave some great interviewing advice and tips for Assistants everywhere.  Background Check Bo Ferguson Connect: LinkedIn & Twitter He answered questions for one of our most successful Twittersations, sat … Continued

Cover Letters: The Hardest Part of the Search

In this series of articles, ELGL members reflect on the themes from our recent survey on careers. So far, we learned tips for interviewing and writing a resume.  Ian Davidson, a recent graduate of Oregon State University’s MPP program and ELGL project assistant, offers some tips for writing a cover letter. Cover Letters: The Hardest Part … Continued

Engaging the Whole Community – Lunch and Learn

Chinook is partnering with the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association, Emerging Local Government Leaders, & TriMet to bring you a great learning opportunity. Join us in Portland to learn about how to get meaningful citizen input. This is an encore of the very successful  event held in Salem in September! “Breaking down barriers to involvement of diverse … Continued

6 Tips for Interviewing for a Job by Emily Leuning

In this series of articles, ELGL members will reflect on the themes from our recent survey on careers. Katie Babits provides resume tips, and now, Emily Leuning gives us a download of the best tip for interviewing. 6 Tips for Interviewing for a Job by Emily Leuning, LinkedIn and Twitter I’ve read through and compiled the most … Continued

My Story with Heidi York, Person County (NC) Manager

ELGL’s mission is to connect, communicate, and educate. One way we do that is by “telling our story.” In our new ongoing series we allow ELGL members to tell their story, describing how they got into local government and a little about their path and journey in the field. Check out Heidi York’s story below. Heidi … Continued

MI: Julius Suchy, Village Manager, Village of Sparta

Suchy takes over as Sparta village manager Fifty Nifty Takeaways What do we hope to learn from this series? We hope you will gain a better understanding of the unique characteristics of local government in each state, we hope you will learn that there are others like you who are motivated to make a difference … Continued

Part Deux: The Road Back to the SGR Conference

ELGL is proud to announce that for the second year in a row we will have a group presenting at the SGR Annual Conference. Bridget Doyle (Sterling Heights, MI), Ryan Adams (Irving, TX), and John McCarter (Pearland, TX) will be spreading the good word on motivating employees in their presentation, entitled Fresh Ideas to Inspire … Continued

ICYMI: Recap of the 12/2 #ELGLFerguson Twittersation

Last Tuesday ELGL hosted another Twittersation to discuss the events in Ferguson, MO that resulted from the shooting death of 18 year old Michael Brown by local police officer. Moderator Brittany Bennett facilitated a conversation on race and how public servants can be better prepared to deal with the community tensions it can cause. Check … Continued

The Fine Print of Obamacare

The Fine Print of Obamacare By Josh Schultz, LinkedIn and Twitter The tortuous way the Affordable Care Act wound its way through Congress is reflected in every aspect of the final version of the law. The ACA calls its individual mandate to carry health insurance a “fine” rather than an IRS-administered tax, which the Supreme … Continued

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