Category: SGRecruiter
Podcast: Changing Recruitment in Local Government with Ron Holifield
Ron Holifield CEO Strategic Government Resources (SGR) LinkedIn | Twitter Playing matchmaker and reducing implicit bias. The CEO of Strategic Government Resources (SGR), Ron Holifield, joined GovLove to talk about how they are pushing local governments to change how they recruit. He shared his career path from time as a City Manager to leading a recruiting firm. … Continued
Innovative Hiring in the City of Little Elm, Texas
This guest blog is by ELGL member Matt Mueller, the city manager of Little Elm, Texas. I will be celebrating my six-year anniversary with the Town of Little Elm next month and it has been a fun ride. At times, it feels like playing Sim City for a living. Little Elm has the benefit of … Continued
When the Job Market Goes Boom(er)
Findings from the ELGL Diversity Dashboard confirm what people have been talking about for (seemingly) ages: local government leadership is getting older. The most recent data upload shows that 65 percent of chief administrative officers (CAOs) and assistant CAOs (ACAOs) are age 50 and better. And 34 percent of CAOs and ACAOs are age 60 … Continued
Hidden Gems… Passive Job Candidates
Job hunting in local government can suck. Someone once counseled me that for every job I secured, I would need to complete upwards of 10 to 15 applications (and that might be conservative!). The processes are too long, there is too much mystery in the selection process or those panel interviews are set up to … Continued
Implicit Bias: “But I’m Not Racist!”
This guest post by Katie Babits is part of the Jam of the Month: Workforce Development – Recruiting & Retaining Talent, hosted by SGRecruiter. When I begin to discuss implicit bias the most common statement that is, “But I’m not racist!” Calm down, nobody said you were, calm down. It’s hard for people to talk about diversity, … Continued
Jam of the Month
Each month, ELGL will feature a “deep dive” into a local government topic with the help of our partners. These opportunities will build out our content, webinar, podcast, and graphic libraries to provide our members with helpful and meaningful information that will improve their local governments. If you’re interested in learning more about how you … Continued