Category: The Practitioner

What Can Local Governments Do About Gangs?

Joe Walsh the City of Gresham, Oregon’s Gang Prevention Policy Coordinator is sharing his expertise with an article on what local governments can do in the battle against gangs. Joe reveals that gangs aren’t just a big city problem and local governments have a key role to play in combating gang activity. The local government … Continued

Around the World in Local Government

Introducing Around the World in Local Government The World Cup ends; Around the World begins. You’ve met the participants so let’s get right to the action. I. Give us your best stereotypes about the other countries. Andrew (Australia): I have to be a little careful with this one as I’m not Australian. But typically its … Continued

The Decision: Why Baltimore?

She’s back, albeit in a slightly different location. Kirsten Silveira has moved from Lawrence, Kansas to Baltimore, Maryland. How did she make the decision to leave the comfort zone of the Midwest? We’ll let her fill you in on “The Decision.” Why Baltimore? by Kirsten Silveira, City of Baltimore Budget Management Analyst Connect: LinkedIn and Twitter … Continued

Learning from the Land Down Under with Andrew Coulson, City of Salisbury

ELGL welcomes new columnist Andrew Coulson, City of Salisbury, South Australia community engagement officer. We first connected with Andrew via Twitter. He has agreed to provide a monthly round up on hot topics in Australia local government. As a preview, we present Andrew’s column on using gaming in your community engagement efforts. Background Check Connect: … Continued

The Newsroom: Translating the Jargon

This is the second installment from Shawn Patrick Floss. Shawn has anchored the local news in Milwaukee, Denver, and Shreveport. He recently relocated to Portland, Oregon and currently, is the media communications manager for Wisconsin Ovarian Cancer Alliance. Background Check Connect: LinkedIn and Twitter Shawn Patrick Floss, a suburban Chicago native, has 15 years of communications experience. He … Continued

Personality of the Guest

Jennifer Jones, Village of Oak Park (IL) Parking Permits Supervisor, authors a new series on customer service in local government. She brings ten years of experience in local government and a wealth of ideas for promoting customer service in all levels of the organization. The Personality of the Guest Jennifer Jones, Village of Oak Park … Continued

Vertical Integration Laws: Are They Still Needed?

ELGL columnist Graham Sheridan returns to discuss vertical integration and its ever-changing definition. The Changing State of Vertical Integration by Graham Sheridan, June 11, 2014 In American history, laws against vertical integration have been passed to protect local jobs and promote market competitiveness. However, in the last few months, a few different cases have come … Continued

Uber, Lyft, and Telsa vs. the Government

Michael O’Brien, ELGL SE board member and founder of MOB Advocacy, follows up “Does My City Need a Federal Lobbyist?” by discussing the increasing struggle between peer-to-peer car companies and local and state government. You can find more of Michael’s work on The State of the States blog. Let the Litigation and Legislation Begin! by Michael O’Brien, … Continued

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