This webinar originally aired on August 26, 2020. The pandemic has brought a whirlwind of change for schools as many districts transitioned to remote learning almost overnight in March. Now as we approach the start of the new school year, school districts are figuring out the best way to safely reopen and ensure students have … Continued
This webinar originally aired on September 2, 2020. Businesses have been hard hit during this pandemic, especially small-scale, family-run restaurants and shops. Cities and communities have been working hard to help their local businesses by encouraging take-out and curbside pickup. How can cities continue to engage with their business communities and encourage residents to do … Continued
National Research Center at Polco survey research highlights, plus how local governments can engage diverse residents regarding equity and community policing. Webinar Show Notes by Julia Steege-Reimann In these uncertain times, many residents feel unheard, undervalued, and unsafe. For this reason, community policing and government inclusivity may be more important now than ever. How can … Continued
This meeting originally occurred on August 18, 2020. About the Event: Our annual meeting will include an update of FY20 highlights, a review of the FY21 budget, and, most importantly, a vote by our membership to approve the transition of ELGL from a 501c6 to a 501c3 nonprofit organization, as well as the adoption of … Continued
This webinar originally aired on August 6, 2020. In times when many residents feel unheard, undervalued, and unsafe, community-centered policing and government inclusivity may be more important now than ever. How can local government leaders engage residents inclusively, ensure equitable safety services, and help move their communities forward? Join National Research Center (NRC) at Polco … Continued
This webinar originally aired on Thursday, July 23, 2020. In light of recent events, securing funds for undercounted populations through the Census has become even more important and challenging. What are some of the tactics and strategies local governments have implemented in order to increase their Census response rate? What updates have they made to … Continued
This webinar originally aired on July 21, 2020 Now – while the presidential candidates are mostly staying home – is the perfect time to prepare your local gov for potential campaign visits, especially if you’re in a battleground state. Because when you get the call that a presidential candidate will visit your town, you don’t … Continued
This webinar originally aired on July 14, 2020 and was presented in partnership with ResourceX CEO, Chris Fabian. Government can be a powerful force for equity. A critical player in that transformation is local government. With its substantial authority and influence over significant policies, services and resources, government can play a vital role in dramatically improving outcomes … Continued
This webinar originally aired on June 25, 2020. For many cities, the economic activity of the travel & tourism sector is an essential part of the city’s larger economic landscape. Because the visitor economy has been so hard-hit by the COVID-19 crisis, deliberate action to foster a recovery in that sector is a top priority … Continued
This webinar originally aired on July 1, 2020. The murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis sparked nationwide and global protests against police brutality on Black Americans. As an outcome of these protests, many communities are calling for defunding of the police. This concept is not new but has only recently gained national attention. Janice Jackson, of Janice … Continued