City of Kent, Ohio Lands in the Final Four

Posted on March 20, 2018

ELGL member Harrison Wicks wants your help in the City of Kent, Ohio’s bid to become the next Strongest Town!

In early March, the City of Kent was selected to compete in the 3rd Annual Strongest Town contest presented by Strong Towns. Strong Town members selected 16 cities from across North America to compete for the Strongest Town designation based on adherence to quality urban design strategies and financial resiliency.

Cities presented initial responses in Round 1 and were pitted head-to-head to collect the most votes. Kent succeeded in collecting more community-wide support than San Marcos, TX in round 1 and Niagara Falls, NY in round 2.

In the Final Four, Kent, Ohio faces Pensacola, Florida. Learn more about each city in these interviews. Vote.

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