ELGL Digital: Graduate Program Directory

Posted on September 14, 2017

ELGL Digital Work Group is back. Rolling out plans for another member exclusive benefit that will make your ELGL membership even more valuable.
Last week we announced the piloting of the ELGL Digital Vendor Directory.  Part Yelp/ part Jenny’s List, the ELGL Digital Vendor Directory will not only connect you with the best vendors and service providers in local gov but will also show you honest feedback from your ELGL colleagues who have experience with that vendor.
This week we are excited to announce a similar pilot initiative – the ELGL Graduate Program Directory.

Image result for dayton flyers

I don’t know about you, but I love my alma mater.  I’m a walking ambassador for the University of Dayton.  Well, now ELGL will give me a platform to share why I’m so proud to be Flyer MPA Alumni and a chance to chat with colleagues who may be considering the program.
The ELGL Graduate Program Directory will provide an overview profile of each program along with a list of ELGL members who are alumni and/or involved with the program.  Students and working professionals considering a graduate program will be able to view the profile information and most importantly reach out to those in the ELGL network who can tell them more about the program.
This is what I love about ELGL.  We aren’t creating a stagnant directory with contact information for any graduate programs who pay for an ELGL membership.  We are launching a dynamic, meaningful interface for personal connections.  This is the best of what makes ELGL different than any other professional network.

As more programs connect to our ELGL Graduate Program Directory, and more ELGL members share their program affiliations, the connections that are the root of ELGL will only grow stronger.

No doubt, the ELGL Digital Work Group is cranking out some seriously revolutionary stuff.  Vendor Directory.  Graduate Program Directory. Architecture for a new website.  New Member Only features.
On behalf of the ELGL Board – thank to this amazing team for a summer of dedicated work innovating how ELGL serves our members.  And thanks to the team from ProudCity led by Kevin Herman for leading us through the process.  We’ve come a long way baby!

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