#ELGL17: Agenda, Guest List, Hotels, Partners, Register, Sponsorships and Twitter List
Meet #ELGL17 attendees.
Aaron Stahly
Management Analyst – City of Fort Lauderdale, FL
Before you leave for #ELGL17, what’s the biggest project facing you at work?
Setting up some meaningful emergency management training for our Department of Sustainable Development staff in preparation for the upcoming hurricane season.
Window, middle, or aisle – which is your preferred seat on an airplane?
When I think of Detroit, I think about…
Economic vitality and fiscal stewardship.
What’s the best article or book that you’ve read about Detroit?
Neither, rather Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown Detroit episode.
Detroit is the home of ‘Motown’. If you started a Motown group, what would you name it?
Windy City in a Can.
Who is the most famous person in your cell phone contacts?
Lee Feldman.
What question(s) should we have asked?
- Is a hotdog a taco or a sandwich?
- Who is the most famous person you have met?
#ELGL17 Profiles