#ELGL17: What’s Going On with Aidan Nevin, Department of Better Technology

Posted on April 12, 2017

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Meet #ELGL17 attendees.

Aidan Nevin

Department of Better Technology

Connect: LinkedIn and Twitter

Before you leave for #ELGL17, what’s the biggest project facing you at work?

How do we convince risk adverse local governments to embrace new Civic Technology?

Window, middle, or aisle – which is your preferred seat on an airplane?

Aisle for the long legs.

When I think of Detroit, I think about…

Motor City – Motown – The Rumble in the Palace

What’s the best article or book that you’ve read about Detroit?

Sadly, N/A

Detroit is the home of ‘Motown’. If you started a Motown group, what would you name it?

The A-Train

Who is the most famous person in your cell phone contacts?

Cam Neely used to be a client of mine – he’s still in there.

What question(s) should we have asked?

What’s your hometown? Always interesting to see where people came from to enter local government.

Supplemental Reading

#ELGL17 Profiles

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