#ELGL17: What’s Going On with Christian Williams, City of Goodyear, AZ

Posted on April 17, 2017

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Christian Williams

City of Goodyear, AZ

Connect: Knope of the Week and Twitter

Before you leave for #ELGL17, what’s the biggest project facing you at work?

Development agreements and tracking for the more than 70 planned communities in Goodyear.

Window, middle, or aisle – which is your preferred seat on an airplane?

Always window seat.  I want to see the city as I take off and land.  Also, less people can see me as I sleep.

When I think of Detroit, I think about…

To be honest…A city that used to have over a million people (1.8 million) that is now so abandoned that they are ripping out sections of the city and returning it to nature because that is a better use. Sorry.

What’s the best article or book that you’ve read about Detroit?

Honestly, I don’t read much about Detroit other than learning about rust belt cities back in my college days and cities that have passed their heyday. When I hear about Detroit now it is on the news or how they are going bankrupt and want to build a new stadium. Maybe, #ELGL17 will show me otherwise.

Detroit is the home of ‘Motown’. If you started a Motown group, what would you name it?

Mountain Standard Time (because we don’t do Daylight Savings)

Who is the most famous person in your cell phone contacts?

Aside from random hipsters from bands you have probably never heard of…I will say Wynette Reed, Deputy City Manager of Goodyear.

What question(s) should we have asked?

I opened this email with no expectations so there is no point in dwelling on the unasked questions that cannot be asked now.

Supplemental Reading

#ELGL17 Profiles

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