#ELGL17: What’s Going On with Elizabeth Vogel, Clinton Township, MI

Posted on May 4, 2017

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Elizabeth Vogel

Deputy Supervisor at Charter Township of Clinton

Connect: LinkedIn & Twitter

Before you leave for #ELGL17, what’s the biggest project facing you at work?

Potential implementation of a medical marijuana ordinance; planning a bicentennial for my Township in 2018.

Window, middle, or aisle – which is your preferred seat on an airplane?

Aisle. I want to be the first off the plane. I also don’t want to be tempted to post an obnoxious cloud/plane/wing photo from 35,000 ft to Instagram.

When I think of Detroit, I think about…

Renaissance, Resurgence, Revolutions, and alliteration.

What’s the best article or book that you’ve read about Detroit?

I don’t read about Detroit, I live Detroit.

Detroit is the home of ‘Motown’. If you started a Motown group, what would you name it?

The Hot n’ Ready Hipsters

Who is the most famous person in your cell phone contacts?

County Executive Hackel (I need more famous friends)

What question(s) should we have asked?

What’s your favorite color, and you can only pick one?

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