#ELGL17: Agenda, Facebook Group, Guest List, Hotels, Partners, Register, Sponsorships and Twitter List
Meet #ELGL17 attendees.
Rosanna Hoelzle
Village Administrator – Village of Swanton, OH
Connect: Twitter
Before you leave for #ELGL17, what’s the biggest project facing you at work?
Either employee relations, possible formation of a joint fire district, updating capital improvement plan or, you know, a typical Tuesday….
Window, middle, or aisle – which is your preferred seat on an airplane?
Window- I love seeing the land below, whether it is flying into NYC and seeing all the buildings or flying across my beloved Midwest and seeing the perfect quadrants of farm land, there is something awe-inspiring about the birds eye view.
When I think of Detroit, I think about…
All the people I know who say they are from Detroit but are really from, what seems like, one of a thousand suburbs (How many Grosse Pointes are there??). Here’s looking at you college friends!
What’s the best article or book that you’ve read about Detroit?
It took a bit to find it, as its from a couple years ago, but I’m sticking with this listicle from Buzzfeed about the restoration of Detroit.
Detroit is the home of ‘Motown’. If you started a Motown group, what would you name it?
Ro-Ro and the Glass City-ettes
Who is the most famous person in your cell phone contacts?
That honor goes to Kevin Zink, owner of The Machine Shop in Flint.
What question(s) should we have asked?
Was “Murder, She Wrote” a great television show or the greatest television show?
#ELGL17 Profiles
- Dan Ralley, Upper Arlington, Ohio
- John Lisle, DC Water
- Chanelle Pough, Bal Harbour Village, FL
- Aaron Stahly, Fort Lauderdale, FL
- Kevin Knutson, Management Partners
- Nick Smith, City of Gaithersburg, MD
- Doug Shumway, BoardSync
- Lynn Tetley, City of Wyoming, OH
- Angelica Wedell, NRC, Inc.
- Sam Taylor, City of Coeur d’Alene, ID
- N. Zach Ratkai, City of Richland, WA
- Daniel Bourdeau, City of Westland, MI
- Aidan Nevin, Department of Better Technology
- Kristin Youngmeyer, Ohio Housing Finance Agency
- Ed Krafcik, Soofa
- Alberto Garcia, Westminster (CO) City Councilor
- Laura Hardwicke, Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County