Our #ELGLFerguson host Brittany Bennett will be working from the below list of topics for the Twittersation on the recent events in Ferguson, MO. Please use this list to formulate your comments, questions, and issues before the Twittersation on Friday, August 22 at 10:00 a.m. PST:
- What are some of the biggest mistakes made by Ferguson officials in the early days after Mike Brown’s death?
- What does Ferguson show us about a disconnect between police and other local gov leadership?
- What does Ferguson teach us about the importance of representative democracy as communities face changing demographics?
- How can local govs/ public service orgs attract and retain more diverse talent?
- How can local govs help their employees deal with issues of inequity and prejudice in their communities?
- How can local govs be more proactive in engaging minority communities?
- Whose responsibility is it to encourage underrepresented communities to vote/ volunteer in the community–administrators or citizens?
- How can police depts repair their images in communities that feel targeted?
- Does reliance on fees from police citations for services promote unjust behavior/ targeting?
- What are ideas for bridging the gap between police and local gov leaders and minority communities?
- How do we start to open dialogue/ break down stereotypes and barriers between police/ local officials and citizens?
- What does a militarized response signify during a protest? What other options are there for protecting police and peaceful protestors?
- What is the role of local gov in the healing process after a tragic, divisive incident? What types of mediation can be used to mend relationships and build trust?
- What can you do from your position to address issues of equity and justice in your community?