Webinar: How Cities Are Tapping into Volunteers & Non-Profits to Deliver Services at Scale
JulJuly 31 2020
1:00pm - 2:00pm
This event is coordinated by our friends at US Digital Response.
Friday, July 31
1pm (PT)/ 4pm (ET)
RSVP here
Communities’ needs changed in the blink of an eye due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but some cities were able to adapt quickly and extend their service offerings to immediately meet the needs of their residents.
Meet the Mayors from the City of Paterson, NJ, the City of Concord, CA, and representatives from Meals on Wheels to learn how city leaders are tapping into volunteer/mutual aid networks and nonprofits to dramatically expand the services their cities provide.
This panel will include recommendations on how cities and nonprofits can partner to improve service delivery and leverage digital platforms to engage volunteer networks and scale recovery efforts.
Panelists include:
- Tim McGallian – Mayor, City of Concord, CA
- André Sayegh – Mayor, Paterson, NJ
- Harsha Mallajoysula – Chief Data Officer, Paterson, NJ
- Caitlin Sly – Executive Director, Meals on Wheels Diablo Region
- Jessica Cole – Neighbor Express Project Lead, US Digital Response
- Laura Horak – Community Relations, US Digital Response
Interested in joining? Save your spot here.