Portland State University Executive MPA Information Session
12:00pm - 1:00pm
A Portland State University Executive MPA info session will be on Tuesday, June 16 from 12pm-1pm. Here’s some additional info on the PSU E-MPA program:
You’re invited to join us for a question and answer session with the Portland State University EMPA program Faculty Lead and Program Manager to learn more about an intensive learning program specifically designed for experienced professionals who seek to excel in advanced leadership roles. The Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA) program prepares leaders to tackle complex public challenges.
Tuesday, June 16 2020
Login Details:
- https://pdx.zoom.us/j/
96785544508 - Meeting ID: 967 8554 4508
- Password: EMPA2020
- One tap mobile +19712471195,,96785544508# US (Portland)
- Cohort learning model
- Advanced leadership competency curriculum
- Field experiences in Washington DC, Vietnam, and Seoul, South Korea
- Professional concierge support
- Designed for working public service professionals
One of two Executive track MPA programs in the nation to be accredited by Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA)